for testing cars for compliance with the requirements of the ERA-GLONASS system

Developed in Skolkovo


ERA-GLONASS is the Russian state emergency response system for the traffic accidents

The main purpose of its creation is to reduce the response time about traffic accidents  in order to reduce the mortality and injury rate of drivers and passengers of vehicles involved in an accident or other emergency situation on the road.


Installation of emergency devices in accordance with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles"  (amendment from  January 30, 2013) is mandatory for all vehicles released into circulation in the territory of the countries of the Customs Union from January 1, 2017. In the European Union, the installation of eCall devices is mandatory from April 1, 2018.


We offer a set of software and hardware to verify the car meets the requirements of the system.

V2Lab products are easy to configure and feature high performance. The set can work in the conditions of the mass production.



  • Cost effective
  • MND receive time is about 1 seconds per terminal
  • Compactness
  • Valid test methods
  • Rapid increase in productivity
  • The ability to upgrade to new tasks
  • A wide range of testing scenarios
  • Staff training for working with the platform
  • Simultaneous work with 7 terminals


  •                The use of mass-produced components and, as a result,
                   affordability for service centers                          
  •                Multichannel                          
  •                Test speed                          
  •                Flexibility in customizing testing policies                          
  •                High degree of measurement automation, reducing requirements
                   to staff qualifications                          
  •                 Fast payback period             

About conpany

The innovative company V2Lab based on the Skolkovo Technopark develops and implements equipment for radio measurements. The company's products allow you to locate, make automatic calls and monitor the quality of loud-speaking communication.

The peculiarity of V2Lab products is fully software implementation of all the elements, which allows it to be deployed on most modern PCs, laptops, servers, and even in the cloud. Due to this, high performance is achieved in the conditions of the conveyor and at the same time low cost in cases when you need to test several hundred devices per day. Thus, the customer receives a solution that is suitable for exactly his requests.



The stand for testing subscriber terminals of the company V2Lab allows you to test automotive devices of the ERA-GLONASS system. By results of testing the protocol with results is formed. The average speed during multichannel testing of user terminals is less than 20 seconds per terminal. Up to 7 automotive devices can be tested simultaneously.

The tester can be used for testing individual devices, and installed in the car. Products comply with the standard of the European Institute ETSI.

Our partners


Limited Trade Development "New engineering technologies"
"New engineering technologies" Ltd.

+7 (495) 510-80-38 - on the purchase
and consultation

Sales office:
143026, Russia, Moscow, Berzarina st, 36 building 1 ,

Opening hours: Mon-Fri from 9-00 to 18-00

m. Oktyabrskoye Polye.

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